Glass Failure Analysis of Laminated and Tempered GLass

Glass failure analysis was performed by a failure analysis expert on a large laminated window of which one layer was tempered glass. The tempered half of the lamination failed. The other half of the window held the system together, and this allowed a failure analysis to be performed. The upper left photo is an over view of the window failure. The arrow indicates the general location of the failure origin of the tempered glass layer. The upper right photo is a closeup of the origin. The arrow indicates the location of a nickel sulfide particle (NiS) that caused the failure. It was reported that the tempered glass had been heat soaked. In this case the heat soak test (HST) did not eliminate on this window before it was sold.
Labels: failure analysis, failure analysis expert, glass failure analysis, Glass failure expert, heat soak test, HST, laminated window, nickel sulfide, nickel sulfide particle, NiS, tempered glass window
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