Glass Experts Examine Interior Wall of Champagne Bottles

In this case the particles were attaching themselves to the interior bottle surface (photo upper left). The wine bottling experts at Read Consulting were asked to determine the cause of the problem. The problem was intermittent, and it had two potential causes. One hypothesis was that there were ridges on the interior wall that were "catching" the particles as they fell toward the cap. This hypothesis is not likely because the bottles are blow molded, and they should have a smoothe interior wall. Another possible cause was a new coating that was being sprayed on the bottle interior. There were horizontal ridges visible on the bottle; however, it was not possible to determine if these ridges were on the interior or exterior wall. The glass experts at Read Consulting cut a panel from the bottle and examined both surfaces microscopically. The ridges that were visible were on the exterior wall; thus, they were not responsible for the "sticking" particles. After the interior spray coating was eliminated, and the problem was resolved. The manufacturing defect is the interior spray caoting.
Labels: glass experts, manufacturing defect, wine bottling experts
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